Dental lab Canada

Full Cast Gold

When esthetic concerns aren’t a factor, full gold crowns are still a favored restorative option by many doctors. More durable than any ceramic and highly resistant to plaque and bacteria, full cast crowns offer the least wear on opposing enamel of any restorative option. Full gold crowns are an ideal option for bruxers or cases with limited clearance.


Full-cast crowns are suitable for posterior restorations and long-span bridges. It’s an ideal option for restorations with minimal occlusal clearance or sort occluso-gingival height


Crowns when caries extend gingivally, anterior restorations or in patients with uncontrolled caries


Inlays and onlays can also be fabricated as a full-cast restoration.
Feather-edge margin preparations are indicated for full-cast restorations, but any margin preparation may be used.